Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Bubba says:

    Oh man! I hope ObamaCare doesn’t force Sea World to send Shamu to the glue factory!

  2. Perry says:

    Shamu would probably be eligible for Medicare.

  3. JD says:

    “More unintended consequences of ObamaCare: SeaWorld announced its intentions to reduce part-time hours for up to 18,000 part-time employees.”

    Just as we suspected. Are people learning yet?

  4. JD says:

    “Yahoo CEO: we faced jail if we revealed NSA surveillance secrets.”

    I am amazed, but not surprised. We are too long gone at this point.

  5. PJ says:

    At this rate, who is not moving workers to part time?

  6. Jenn says:

    The idea that any company would bluff-call the US federal government and refuse to comply with the NSA is laughable. The “voluntary” label is a red herring.

  7. Megan says:

    Wow, SeaWorld. But I get it; we’re a nation of part-timers.

    • Ignacio says:

      I started my own lawncare business when I was 12, now have rapidly evolved it into my own profession with hundreds of contracts. If I can do it, so can anyone.

      • Connor says:

        You are an inspiration to us all Ignacio. Maybe you will be the next Joe the plumber.

      • Crawford says:

        Entrepreneurship and leadership- In my opinion, they represent the two most valuable qualities a person could have in this day and age.

  8. Shannon says:

    But Megan, we shouldn’t be! Why people are just accepting this is beyond me.

  9. Krista says:

    It’s sad when the incentive not to work is as strong or stronger than the incentive for businesses to hire full-time workers. Could we exert any more downward pressure on the labor market?

  10. Alex says:

    Have there been any studies conducted to see if demolishing public housing, reduces crime in the immediate area?

  11. Ignacio says:

    Not Shamu!

  12. Tony says:

    Obamacare = Dumbest Economical move of the century