Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Bruce says:

    The federal government is criminalizing everthing.

  2. Buster says:

    Years ago I listened to a Paul Harvey Rest of the Story segment about a career criminal who had skin graphed to his fingertips so he could not be identify by fingerprints he might leave behind. Come to find out, the lack of circular grooves on fingertips made his fingerprints the most unique and identifiable prints in the world. He was soon caught.

    I also read an article that interviewed a consultant who helps people become untraceable (for legal and illegal reasons). He said there is a glue that has a gummy texture, which can be applied to both thumbs. Before it sets, press it against your heel. This process creates a pair of temporary thumbprints that can be used when applying to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles or any other agency that requires a thumb print. Once removed, the prints cannot be traced back to you because you no longer have them and (presumably) used a fictitious name when applying.

  3. Virginia says:

    It’s one thing not to have fingerprints, but find me someone that doesn’t have DNA. Plus, I’ve read that the accuracy of fingerprints isn’t very high.

    Also, isn’t the lack of a fingerprint a kind of fingerprint in and of itself? Or am I being to metaphysical for a Friday?

  4. Nancy says:

    Teachers conspiring against parents? I’m not surprised.