Electronic Cigarettes Do Cut Smoking, and Other News

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    Electronic cigarettes cut smoking by 50%.

    It’s hard to imagine that the abstinence-only advocates are opposed to something that reduces smoking by 50% merely because they want smoking reduced by 100%. Harm reduction would suggest it’s better to reduce smoking 50% in, say, 25% of the smoking population than reducing smoking 100% in only 5%?

  2. Simon says:

    I am confused by Holt’s position. In his opinion it may not be a big deal, but the healthcare industry is held to a higher ethical and moral standard than the financial industry. Healthcare must protect its integrity, as should the financial industry. Nothing may never come from the information leak, but you never know.

  3. Brian says:

    When the overpersciption of antibiotics results in a pandemic because the bacteria became more resistant, this story will be much bigger than it is now.