Democratic Leaders Concerned about the ACA, and Other Links

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  1. Harley says:

    I’m all about food stamps for pets, do you know how expensive dog food is?!

    Maybe they should require mandatory drug testing for the animals in order to receive transfer payments 🙂

  2. Beatrice P. says:

    @Food Stamps for Pets

    I have no problem with this. In theory, it sounds a little ridiculous. But it is a private, non-profit organization using privately-collected funds to solve a “social” problem, albeit one of less importance that many of our other social problems.

  3. Jordan says:

    Great, throw more money at the ppaca. That’s a fantastic idea.

  4. Beatrice P. says:

    @Harley, my dogs drug habits are none of the non-profit’s business, haha!

  5. Studebaker says:

    Yglesias: a better Oregon study would give half the families $2,000 of Medicaid benefits and the other half $2,000 in cash.

    I like to read Yglasias’ articles. Although he’s a left-of-center journalist, he understands economics and that incentives matter.

  6. Smitty says:

    Harry Reid: More funding needed to avoid an ObamaCare “train wreck.”

    – Did anyone think that Obamacare proponents wouldn’t do this?

  7. Kumar says:

    @ Food Stamp for Pets

    My heart goes out for pets, I am so conflicted by this issue.

  8. Patel says:

    @ Health Care Spending Decrease

    Considering that the rest of the economy experienced limited growth, health care was bound to be effected by anemic economic environment.

  9. Desai says:

    I agree with Patel, and I even go far as quoting from the article: “Increases in health expenditures are likely to trend upwards over the coming decade as the economy returns to a more normal rate of growth,” they wrote. “Sustaining low growth rates in health spending will require continued pressure for containing costs throughout the system.”

  10. Hassan says:

    I don’t think the slow down in health care spending is permanent, lets not forget that there are 78 million baby boomers about to enter their retirement age.

  11. Renald says:

    “Food stamps for pets.”

    While this is not a government initiative, it is still an indicator of where our cultural priorities. One we will collapse so hard that pets will be an elite luxury commodity.

  12. Tresold says:

    Harry Reid: More funding needed to avoid an ObamaCare “train wreck.”

    I think it’s fair considering fiat money grows out of trees. We can virtually fund anything to the max. Or I wish that was the case, but reality is very different.

  13. Politics Debunked says:

    re: the slowdown in healthcare spending.

    Total spending dropped.. but healthcare inflation has been proceeding on the same trend it has been, so I suspect they underestimate the impact of the recession. (graph from the Fed graph site on the site linked later):

    The problem is there are many reasons to expect the slower spending growth won’t continue due to Obamacare, Links and far more on why healthcare costs rise, and Obamacare will likely make things worse on that page (mostly nothing new to readers here, though perhaps a couple of points might be).