Choice of Partner Affects Your Health, and Other Links

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  1. Lorraine says:

    Study of 19,000 Norwegian couples: your romantic partner affects your health.

    Just your health?! They change your life! Unfortunately…some of them for the worst.

  2. Evan Carr says:

    Study of 19,000 Norwegian couples: your romantic partner affects your health.
    That’s why it is important to choose wisely and not make rash decisions. People get married too quickly these days in my opinion. With longer lifespans, why not take an extra year or two to make sure it is right. Perhaps this would lower the divorce rate as well.

    Can a smart phone detect cancer?
    One day in the future, our phones will take a blood sample, upload it for analysis, as well as take blood pressure and transmit a host of other medical measurements to our doctors. Perhaps through some kind of implant? But at this point, using an app you download from the appstore in place of a doctor is as foolish as asking a forum what that funny looking growth is.

  3. Studebaker says:

    Study of 19,000 Norwegian couples: your romantic partner affects your health.

    No kidding. At the very least, the wrong partner will raise your blood pressure. At the very worst, a bad marriage partner could drive you to an early grave!

    Whole Foods CEO regrets comparing “ObamaCare” to fascism. What else would you call it? A “walk in the park”?

    I saw that comment. I’m a little surprised he is willing to share his Libertarian leanings publically. He is the head of a retail chain that charges premium prices for products, many of which are produced in a socially-conscious way. Many of his customers consider shopping at Whole Foods to be more of a lifestyle and social conscious commitment than a dispassionate, arms-length exchange.

    Can a smart phone detect cancer?

    Cool beans! I long for the day when my iPhone replaces all my trips to the doctor.

  4. Neil Caffrey says:

    -The WSJ link does not work.

    -Whole Foods CEO regrets comparing “ObamaCare” to fascism.

    “today stirs up too much negative emotion with its horrific associations in the 20th century.”

    Being “politically correct” now is more important than the substance actually being said. Which is a shame. However, when your in the business of “selling” something, there is an art to communicating without upsetting potential customers.

  5. Vigilant says:

    Whole Foods CEO regrets comparing “ObamaCare” to fascism. What else would you call it? A “walk in the park”?

    Not sure this is quite comparable to a fascist regime. The law may be viewed as overstepping some government roles, and, if so, that arguments merits more debate and public scrutiny–not opposed to that. However, comparing it to the likes of Mussolini and Hitler is perhaps a bit premature. The public is responsible for being more educated and vocal about proper health care reform…something we’ll have to start promoting through improving our education system.

  6. Andrew O says:

    Choice of partners affects your health…I’ve been preaching that since the end of my first relationship. Yes, some people add stress to your life and promote unhealthier lifestyles, while others do the opposite. However, not sure how this is news-worthy…

  7. Jordan says:

    The first link was more showing the link between education and healthcare. Still an interesting read.