Category: Interesting Links

At Other Blogs

Massachusetts Employers Dropping Health Coverage, Berwick is Back, and a State that Outsources Everything

At Other Blogs

Medicare Part D causes a 63% increase in the number of annual prescriptions.” Effects on patient health: Zip. Zero. Nada. (NBER via Jason Shafrin)

Paul Samuelson’s prediction on what would happen when World War II ended: “There would be ushered in the greatest period of unemployment and industrial dislocation which any economy has ever faced.” (HT to David Henderson at Econlog)

The marshmallow test.  It’s a simple test with impressive predictive power. (HT to Samuel Arbesman via Marginal Revolution)

Faith in Social Security System Tanking, Can Pharmacists Replace Doctors, and a Shortage of Pediatricians

Obama Administration Changes Tune on Insurance Mandate, Mexican Drug Violence, and Your Doctor Could Be Drunk

Obama to Judge: Health mandate is actually a tax.

Drug violence in Mexico has claimed more than 25,000 lives since 2006. That’s about half the number of Americans killed in the entire Vietnam War.

Congressman Loses It, Not Enough Surgeons to Go Around, and Abortion Now Covered in Risk Pool

Picky Eating Diagnosed, Medical Jargon Ousted, and Mahjongg Causes Dangerous Blood Clot

30-Minute Delay to Teens’ School Start, Eggs are All the Same, and an Interesting Fact About Bonobos

Study: Later start to school boosts teens’ health. Health? Well, okay, at least they felt better.

An egg is an egg. White, brown, organic, nonorganic — makes no difference.

Try not to be admitted to a hospital on the weekend. Your chances of dying in ICU are 8% higher.

What people know about bonobos: they have a lot of sex. What’s more interesting: They don’t kill each other.

Massachusetts Health Costs Rising, Free Contraceptives, and Are Antioxidant Benefits a Myth?

Bad news from Massachusetts: Health costs are rising, emergency room use is rising, and plans to reform the reform are on hold. (HT to The Incidental Economist)

The onslaught begins: Free contraceptives may be required in mandated benefit package.

Is chocolate a mood food?  Apparently.

European regulators: There is no evidence of any beneficial health effects from antioxidants. OK, but is that a reason to bar the word “antioxidant” from labels as prima facie health claims?

“Psychic” Octopus Chooses Spain to Win World Cup, the GED, and Do Children Make You Happy?

Spain to win the World Cup. British-born octopus, “Paul,” who lives in Germany and has picked the winner of every German game correctly this World Cup, went for Spain this time around (video).

Does a GED matter? Study: “GEDs are equivalent to uncredentialed dropouts in terms of their labor market outcomes and their general performance in society.” (HT to David Henderson)

Do children make you happy? Study: “The effect of children on the life satisfaction of married individuals is small, often negative, and never statistically significant.” (HT to Marginal Revolution)