Category: Interesting Links

Giving Thanks is Good for Your Health, and Other Links

Giving thanks is good for your health. Adults who frequently feel grateful have more energy, more optimism, more social connections and more happiness than those who do not.

How many calories are in your Thanksgiving meal?

A Thanksgiving dinner for vegetarians.

Thanksgiving menu transparency for nervous nellies. Bon Appétit.

Does eating turkey make you sleepy?  Aaron Carroll says no.

Daily Pill May Prevent AIDS, and Other Links

Can a pill prevent AIDS?  Men who faithfully take a daily pill can reduce their HIV risk by up to 95 percent.

There are those who do not become fitter or stronger, no matter what exercise they undertake. The findings suggest that “there will be millions of humans who cannot improve their aerobic capacity or their insulin sensitivity, nor reduce their blood pressure” through standard exercise.

Separate and unequal: The New York Times wants poor people to stay in Medicaid.

Positive-outcome bias: It means you are more likely to hear about research findings about stuff that works than stuff that doesn’t work, even thought the two types of information are equally valuable.

Deathbed Regrets, and Other Links

No one on their deathbed ever wished they had spent more time in the office,” the saying goes. But is the saying correct? Robin Hanson updates us on death bed regrets.

Demographics alone will cause government to get bigger. HT to Jason Shafrin.

Maine to “repeal and replace.” Before there was a federal health care overhaul and before there was a Massachusetts law, there was Dirigo.

Gallup: 82% believe the health care they receive is excellent or good. Individuals with private insurance have 6 points higher satisfaction than those in government-run health care (i.e., Medicare and Medicaid) and even 66% of the uninsured say their care is excellent or good.

Government Thinks 1 in 5 Americans is Mentally Ill, and Other Links

80 to 100 Million Could Lose Current Coverage, and Other Links

McKinsey: “something in the range of 80 to 100 million individuals are going to change coverage categories in the two years post-2014.” HT to Grace-Marie Turner for the pointer.

Woman loses leg due to med student mistake.  “When I was a fourth-year medical student, I did 17 amputations in a state hospital,” Parkland CEO says.

New trend in hospital emergency rooms: Patients make appointments.

Study:  Placebo improves sex life for women.

Soda Tax Not Effective for Weight Loss, and Other Links

A 58 percent tax on soda would drop the average body mass by only 0.16 points on a scale of 30.

There is a market in baby foreskins. HT to Tyler Cowen.

Novartis smart pill expected in 18 months. An ingestible chip is activated by stomach acid and sends information to a small patch worn on the patient’s skin, which can transmit data to a smart phone or send it over the Internet to a doctor.

There are 384 health providers who earned more than $100,000 from drug companies. Some earned more than $300,000.

Fast Food Nation, and Other Links

84% of parents fed their kids fast food in the past week. One of the worst choices: Dairy Queen’s original cheeseburger with a side of fries, a full-sugar soft drink and chocolate Dilly Bar adds up to 973 calories, 171 of which are from saturated fat, and 1,450 mg of sodium.

Why you love ice cream. It begins with an enzyme in saliva called amylase, which breaks down starch into liquid and a gene, called AMY1 that turns on the production of amylase.

The number of federal worker earning $150,000 or more a year has soared tenfold in the past five years. It has double since President Obama took office.

Checklists Cut In-Hospital Deaths Cut in Half, and Other Links

Hospital checklists work. Study: they reduced complications by one-third and in-hospital deaths were cut in half.

One-third of rheumatoid arthritis patients on Medicare do not receive any drug therapy. It gives a whole new meaning to the concept of self help.

Inconsistent data on bloodstream infections may compromise public report cards that rank hospital quality of care. One writer rants about it.

Smart Kids Learn to Lie Sooner, and Other Links

Smart kids learn how to lie sooner than dumb kids. Early liars also do better later in life.

When it comes to teamwork, 2’s company, but 3’s a crowd. Two people can learn to cooperate intuitively, but larger groups need to communicate.

Why the rich eat healthier? They’re better educated and less price-sensitive.

AZ and OK Voters Opt Out of Individual Mandate, and Other Links