Category: Interesting Links

Marginal Revolution University, and Other Links

It’s the Democrats’ Turn

ObamaCare vs RomneyCare, and Other Links

Aaron Carroll: there is no difference between ObamaCare’s plan for non-seniors and Romney’s plan for Medicare.

Good news: Americans really aren’t more polarized.

Keith Hennessey explains the Medicare war of words.

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Medicare Ad Wars, and Other Links

Matt Yglesias on the Medicare ad wars: this is actually one of the issues on which there’s the smallest gap between Obama’s policies and Romney’s.

Block granting Medicaid to the states: it’s working in Canada.

Laura D’Andrea Tyson: If Republican leaders were serious about strengthening Medicare, they would find a way to lower costs, rather than passing on the risk of higher premiums to the elderly. Laura. Look here.

Criminals Faking Insanity, and Other Links

Job Burnout Strikes Doctors, and Other Links

Spiritual People are Better Off, and Other Links

Racist Political Parties, and Other Links