Category: Interesting Links

Hits & Misses – 2009/8/13

Hits & Misses – 2009/8/12

Hits & Misses – 2009/8/11

Hits & Misses – 2009/8/6

Obesity/Ambulance Update: Lincoln Fire and Rescue is considering putting a construction crane and a forklift on call for emergency patients who are too big to get out a door or down steps.

The “public plan” soldiers have to use: More than one in six soldiers and their families have to go off base for their medical care.

Shalala: Health revamp may mean doctor shortage.

Hits & Misses – 2009/7/31

Can living cells become tiny robots? If so, they could be programmed to attack tumors and guide the development of stem cells.

Can minds move matter? It works with monkeys.

Robot attacks and almost kills Swedish factory worker. This is probably only the beginning.

Organic food is no healthier. 162 scientific papers published in the scientific literature over the last 50 years find no significant difference

Hits & Misses – 2009/7/30

Only 27% know where their kidney is. Only 56% can point to their heart.

The black market price for a kidney is $160,000. But the donor gets only $10,000.

60 people committed physician-assisted suicide in Oregon last year. Washington and Montana are following suit.

Drug companies waive copays to help patients. Insurance companies are unhappy.

Hits & Misses #2 – 2009/7/24

Hits & Misses – 2009/7/24

Entertaining Videos

Hits & Misses – 2009/7/20