Category: Interesting Links

Hits & Misses – 2009/9/22

Hits & Misses – 2009/9/21

Medicare will pay $8,000 for a computer that will turn typed words into speech for the speech-impaired. It will not pay $450 for an iPhone that will do the same thing.

The pancreas. Gone awry, it is the source of diabetes, affecting 23 million people and it is at the front lines of our expanding waist lines.

Sixty percent of adults can’t digest milk, including most of Asia, half of Africa and 3/4 of Mediterranean.

One FDA bureaucrat is holding up many new cancer treatments.


Hits & Misses – 2009/9/17

Hits & Misses – 2009/9/15

TV Doc orders every test imaginable: Are patients/viewers getting the wrong lesson?

Money makes you most happy if you don’t spend it on yourself.

Heroic myths dispelled: Neither Peary nor Cook ever reached the North Pole.

Interesting Videos

Hits & Misses – 2009/9/10

Hits & Misses – 2009/9/8

Hits & Misses #2 – 2009/9/4

At three hospitals you can make an ER appointment online: See a doctor within 15 minutes of the scheduled time or it's free!

Placebos are becoming more effective. (HT to Marginal Revolution)

On vacation, don't get sick: Two dozen hospitals near popular travel destinations have death rates among the worst in the USA.

Hits & Misses – 2009/9/4

Videos Worth Watching