Another Way to Game the System

Ever since Congress passed the federal gender-equity law known as Title IX, universities have been required to have…well…gender equity. How do they do it?

  • At the University of South Florida, more than half of the 71 women on the cross-country roster failed to run a race in 2009.
  • At Marshall University, the women’s tennis coach recently invited three freshmen onto the team even though he knew they were not good enough to practice against his scholarship athletes, let alone compete.
  • At Cornell, only when the 34 fencers on the women’s team take off their protective masks at practice does it become clear that 15 of them are men.
  • Texas A&M and Duke are among the elite women’s basketball teams that also take advantage of a federal loophole that allows them to report male practice players as female participants.

Full article on the deceit and lack of gender equity in university level athletics.

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  1. Joe Barnett says:

    Women appear to be less interested in participating in college athletics than men, but that may be because most of our sports appear to have been invented by men.

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    I heard of colleges closing some men’s programs because it is just too hard to recruit enough woman to balance out the men. It is possible to have equity and fairness without forcing exact parity.

  3. Tom H. says:

    One more example of the perverse incentives of third-party payment.