Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Ignacio says:

    “In a little-noticed outcome of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, jails and prisons around the country are beginning to sign up inmates for health insurance under the law, taking advantage of the expansion of Medicaid that allows states to extend coverage to single and childless adults — a major part of the prison population.”

    I’m pretty sure all inmates had health insurance already

  2. Trent says:

    “CMS is undertaking the necessary activities to transition the data center over to HP,”

    It will probably end up more like dumping work on HP

  3. James says:

    Closing hospitals are a scary thought, but the momentum does make sense.

  4. Wally says:

    “The Obama administration is dropping some new hints about how it has moved money around to fund Obamacare without Congress — but not nearly enough to put the controversy to rest.”

    Oh good. Funding things without congressional approval, just like the constitution wanted!

  5. Bryce says:

    “Second, we need more transparency. Insurance companies should have to publish the measures they use to select their “high performing” or “efficient” networks. This will discourage them from looking at price alone. And consumers should be able to easily find which doctors and hospitals are included in a network. The size of a plan’s network should be as transparent as its premium.”

    These are all pretty valid points that could prove useful in the ACA

    • Wally says:

      The points he make are necessary, but choice is also extremely important component to cheaper healthcare

      • Carter says:

        Since he is a medical professional and an adviser, couldn’t it be said he knows more about it than us?