Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Jose says:

    For the first link. That is exactly what most economists estimated before.

  2. Johnson says:

    Hawaii may have the highest insured rate. That is why they get only 4,300 enrolled.

  3. Perry says:

    Our small business premiums are going up 30-40%. We may not offer insurance in the next year or two.

  4. Linda Gorman says:

    The LA Times article completely misrepresents Colorado exchange spending. It looks like it is only reporting spending for 2013.

    The Colorado exchange has so far pulled down $178 million in federal grants along with another $15 million from the termination of the state’s high risk health plan. More at http://completecolorado.com/pagetwo/2013/12/16/more-perspective-on-the-colorado-health-benefits-exchange/

  5. Bob Hertz says:

    Community rating may prove to be a national disaster.

    Which in itself is not surprising, since it has been somewhat of a disaster in every state where it was tried over the last 25 years.

    Community rating does attempt to address a real problem, namely what can be done for small groups with unhealthy employees? In a free market, these groups get hit with enormous premiums and many of them wind up dropping coverage.

    Community rating tries to level out premiums, and the result is that now some of the healthy groups begin to drop coverage.

    A lot of movement on the insurance scale but no improvement!!

    A better solution would have been to let the unhealthy groups join the federal employee’s plan. I think that John Kerry proposed this in 2004.

    That would have left the majority of healthy groups alone.

    • Bart I. says:

      I seem to recall that in California and Texas, at least, there is a fairly narrow window for small business premiums. On the order of 10% between lowest and highest?

  6. Lucas says:

    The winter olympics are so godawful because of vacation sports.