Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Matthew says:

    So it is God’s work to “tell people not to believe what they might hear on “the wrong newscast?” That doesn’t sound very divine to me…

  2. Thomas says:

    “Lawson did as she was told, she said – such as publicly parroting inaccurate OHA talking points, and writing a scripted letter of resignation that portrayed her departure as voluntary.”

    This isn’t a very ethical move from the people doing “God’s work.”

    • Andrew says:

      On Dec. 19, Lawson submitted her e-mail resignation, saying she did so voluntarily, and that a death in her family “caused me to reevaluate many things in my life”

      It is troubling that she was forced to cite a fake death as a reason for her resignation.

  3. Perry says:

    “Does ObamaCare have God on its side?”

    Boy, they’re really reaching aren’t they?

    • Trent says:

      Doesn’t it? Isn’t it attempting to help people and keep people healthy? I don’t believe it was inherently designed to hurt people.

  4. Jose says:

    For the first link. So avoiding penalty is the only motivation to achieve universal coverage..

  5. Trent says:

    Oh good. Senators taking bribes over healthcare.