Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Buster says:

    Why it takes so long to build a bridge in America: Regulatory approvals can take upward of a decade or longer.

    This morning I heard an NPR report that bureaucratic regulations are also why it’s so hard to get information technology projects to work.

  2. Trent says:

    “The average enrollee age at Priority Health, a Michigan insurer, has ticked up to age 51 for newcomers, from about 41 years old for plans offered for the current year, says Joan Budden, chief marketing officer.”

    Well that just won’t work.

  3. Lucas says:

    “No one is in charge of deciding when there has been enough review. Avoiding endless process requires changing the regulatory structure in two ways”

    Because everyone wants a piece of the pie.

    • Trent says:

      Probably has more to do with the administration thinking more filters are more efficient. However, they actually just dilute the product to nothing.

  4. Connor says:

    “If the trend continues, an older, more expensive set of customers could drive up prices for everyone”

    Oh wonderful.

  5. Yancey Ward says:

    On the last item, this is exactly what one should have expected. The implied subsidy is just too steep to get a younger person to buy a policy unless he is just one of the less healthy young people. The Bronze and Silver plans are just horrid deals unless the federal government is picking up almost all the premium costs.