Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Lucas says:

    “The coalition also finds that 49 states have seen an increase in the number of families living in poverty and 45 states have seen household median incomes fall in the last year.”

    This is absolutely not ok.

  2. Lucas says:

    1. Follow instructions when creating a user name.
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    Senior citizens must be having a great time signing up

  3. Perry says:

    Idle hands: Almost 6 million young people are neither in school nor working.

    Great! Have them sign up for Obamacare!

  4. Lucas says:

    “The number of companies participating in exchanges may also grow — or deplete — after insurers see what theirs and other companies’ experiences have been.”

    It will be interesting to see if the number of insurance companies actually do end up increasing.

    • Connor says:

      It would be a cold day in hell if it did, that’s for sure. Considering most speculation is leading us to believe that it will only decrease.

      • James says:

        Absolutely no way it increases. There are way too many variables working against the insurance companies.