How to Save $17,000 by Not Using Insurance, and Other Links

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  1. Megan says:

    What an interesting set of links — although I’m not altogether surprised that women are more honest!

  2. Connor says:

    “Then there’s the slippery slope: if a woman is to receive money to save her declining fertility, what’s to stop her from claiming to need breast implants or a face-lift because she used up her youth in the marriage?”


    • Lucas says:

      Very punny. However, the argument does have merit. If we can give the possible existence of things dollar values then the lawyer profession may soon become a booming field.

      • Shaina says:

        How is insurance not just like higher education? All the loans, grants, financial aid, scholarships, etc. are distorting the market so almost no one pays list price. Universities charge the government exorbitant rates because they can, pricing middle class students out of the market because they may not qualify for need-based funding.

  3. Jenn says:

    Is it just me or is the implication that divorces should cover egg freezing completely asinine? Potential fertility issues are all part of the decision calculus about whether or not to end a relationship. No one has any inherent right to have children. Does someone owe me 20K because I’m in my 30’s and still single?

    • Lucas says:

      It would be nice if that was the case. If I dated someone for 5 years, would the potential of that breakup deserve rights as well? Technically, I wasted some of her life. Maybe I could counter sue for undue stress.

      • Jenn says:

        If we’re billing fertility by year of childless monogamy, it seems like a lot of people could end up with huge bills. Silly thought experiment; that’s all this article is.

  4. Michelle says:

    I doubt any attorney worth their salt couldn’t come up with a good reason why this fertility nonsense is a slippery slope to all kinds of shenanigans.

    Try not marrying a guy who’s keen to trade you in for a younger model at the first sign of aging?

  5. Johnny B says:

    “No one is ever expected to pay the list price.”

    Does this not automatically show that there are major inefficiencies in this industry? It is expected that people must ALWAYS negotiate a “fair” price? – Absurd

    • Luna says:

      I work for a medical billing company that handles the billing for a few large hospitals in my region. There are over 25 employees at my office who are employed for the sole purpose of calling insurance companies to “argue” claims with them.

      Very inefficient, but it’s creating jobs

  6. Donald says:

    Does anyone think that a midlife crisis might be a healthy undertaking that middle-age people must experience to transition into a more mature mindset? Thus creating “smooth sailing” into the latter years of their lives.

  7. VN says:

    Love the WSJ link – great example of what happens when you take out a third party.