Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Pete says:

    Of course the IRS has the money to hire so many FTEs. GG small business though.

  2. Jordan says:

    I have to disagree with the first link. I would happily be a trophy husband. Personally, the best relationships would be one where the wife is always off working, and if we’re very lucky.. doesn’t know how to text message.

  3. Tom says:

    “Things don’t go as well when the wife earns more than the husband.”

    This study has very little credibility in my opinion. I didn’t see anything in the study that measures causation and these studies are so over-generalized anyways.

  4. Sam says:

    “The costliest hospital in the nation is in New Jersey and it was bankrupt only a few years ago.”

    Interesting article. Shows how distorted and dysfunctional the Medicaid/Insurance/Hospital system has become.

  5. Day Ozone says:

    New Jersey

    Do you think all the high cost of service was what brought them back from the depths of high debts. That sure is a way to bring a turn around. I guess this goes to show how recession proof the health care industry is!

  6. Gabriel Odom says:

    “The study has little credibility in my opinion.”

    This is from the University of Chicago Booth School. They are in the top 5 universities in the entire world. Here’s the full paper: http://faculty.chicagobooth.edu/emir.kamenica/documents/identity.pdf

    Let me know when you finish your Ph.D.

  7. Tydes says:

    This don’t go well when the wife earns more

    I have hear some cases on this, the issues surrounding this is complex because it is such a new phenomena that many men, the traditional bead earners, are now no longer in the driving seat of their family!

  8. Kerrigan says:

    Holy crap I am so sick and sick of the IRS and ACA, I think I do need to get health insurance to deal with all the mental trauma!

  9. Abathur says:

    I remember watch a crime documentary where the husband murdered his wife because she had a more successful career than her husband, and the guy was having issues with that.

  10. Huda says:

    @ The IRS

    Why do the IRS need more resources, the need more training on basic math skills and how their operations are run!

  11. Buster says:

    Things don’t go as well when the wife earns more than the husband.

    I read somewhere that when the wife out earns the husband by some large factor (I forget the proportion), the husband is far more likely to cheap on the wife. The same is true if the husband far out earns the wife. It is not true when the couple earn similar amounts or of wives who out earn their husbands.

  12. Studebaker says:

    Things don’t go as well when the wife earns more than the husband…

    Couples where the wife earns more than the husband are less satisfied with their marriage and are more likely to divorce

    This could be because: 1) Strife when the wife is too busy to perform the role of wife causing the husband to call it quits (e.g. some women divorce their successful husbands because their workaholic husbands are never home). 2) Strife because the successful wife doesn’t feel she has to put up with her husband’s crap since she’s financially independent. 3) The successful wife feels like her husband is a slacker and she deserves a more closely-matched mate. 4) The wife is successful because she’s driven, assertive and self-centered and not easy to get along with because she always wants her way. And as someone earlier said, 5) because her husband feels emasculated and cheats on her with a much younger women while she’s away on business trips.