Increased Medicare Costs Due To Aging, and Other Links

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  1. Saul says:

    “Latvian PM to Krugman: By ignoring your advice we became the fastest growing economy in Europe.”

    – I remember Krugman calling out the Estonian PM several months ago.. Needless to say, the PM shot back on twitter pretty hard.

  2. Tommy says:

    “Miracles happen: The FDA decides to err on the side of drug approval.”

    – Its about time the FDA says something right!

  3. Gabriel Odom says:

    Why do we even have an FDA? If people are willing to try a new experimental drug to cure or alleviate some malady – let them. We have people so desperate for health benefits in the U.S. that they’ve taken up sungazing.
    If a cure works, it works. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. I see no reason for the government to be involved.

  4. Christian Boozer says:

    I think a little more caution should be expressed than that Gabriel. Think back to the days of mircle elixirs that contained cocaine and quack medicines. “Here take this pill that is guarenteed to reduce your risk of heart attack” BAM! 2 years later 100,000 people have necrotizing fascitis. I agree with your sentiment but fear profiteering at the expense of the American public.

  5. Anthony Sombers says:

    “Medicare Spending”

    Wait, you mean there is other parts of the budget besides Medicare? *mind blown*

  6. Hoover says:

    Latvian PM going after Krugman on Twitter.

    I recall Keynes saying something similar about FDR when Sweden was the first one out of the depression cause they followed his advice. He must have sent a Twelegram.

  7. Jack says:

    I dunno Christian, my addiction to energy drinks approaches that the original cokes. It’s funny that we’re on this subject, since they just had a big argument over how we can’t take nicotine out of cigarettes.

  8. Gabriel Odom says:

    I understand that Christian. However, I feel that in the current climate where you can’t throw a rock without hitting a malpractice lawyer, many of those situations would be avoided.

  9. Patel says:

    @ The Lativan to Krugman comment

    Wow, this is interesting, yet another demonstration that Krugman is wrong.

  10. Patel says:

    @ The Aging Alone article

    I thought this finding was fascinating. Given that more people are aging alone, perhaps it would be best to figure out some kind of a system where this demographic is being taken care of in cost effective way.

  11. Desai says:

    @ The Aging Alone

    After reading the article, I keep thinking about a movie I watched called The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. I don’t know why, but brained formed a connection between the two. May be there is an answer to this problem in that film.

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