Just in Time for Valentine’s Day, and Other Links

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  1. Angel says:

    The article mentions: “Medical studies reveal that the feelings associated with love stimulate the limbic system of the brain. This highly sensitive portion of the brain is responsible for the release of endorphins and other feel-good neurotransmitters, including chemicals that serve as natural morphinelike substances. Hence the phrase “high on love.””

    Reason why I don’t fully trust these studies is because they make grand assumptions. Many married folks are far from being “in love.” It almost sounds like there is some agenda behind the promotion for marriage. Lots of correlations could also be found with marriages having negative effects on someone’s health — the other half of the equation that end up in divorce, for instance. All in all, if you are truly in love, I would see some meaning to these statements, but it’s not responsible to stereotype such as all marriages and derive socio-scientific conclusions out of it.

  2. Studebaker says:

    About St. Valentine

    Love may suppress the brain’s stress releasers and inhibit certain stressful responses… love may help lower both heart rate and blood pressure … decrease the risk for both heart disease and stroke.

    After reading the above, I started to make some snarky comment, such as “lower blood pressure? I thought relationships only raised blood pressure.”

    But then I read the following…

    To be fair… “Bad love” can mimic physical hurt for people in unhealthy relationships.
    Cortisol… stress hormone is commonly released with anxiety and physical stress, and the result is an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

  3. Vicki says:

    Mice are different from humans? How shocking.

  4. A.D. says:

    I love UT-A&M football on Thanksgiving!

  5. H. James Prince says:

    About the UT-TAMU rivalry game,
    ‘“I think the people of Texas want a game,” Guillen said. “And we’re trying to get them one.”

    As of press time, the People of Texas could not be reached for comment.’

  6. Gabriel Odom says:

    “We have been so focused on the mice – we forgot we were trying to cure the humans.”

    Great job science. Keep up the good work.

  7. Evan Carr says:

    Are we men or are we…oops, mice no longer work as a model for humans for at least three major killers: sepsis, burns and trauma.

    It’s a bad day to be a lab monkey.

  8. Michael says:

    On the hip replacement piece: Imagine if we paid our restaurant bills the way we pay our medical bills. No matter what we ordered, we’d be on the hook for a modest copay and the tab would be picked up by a third party payer. Restaurants wouldn’t bother to print the right hand side of the menu. Come to think of it, that sounds a lot like health care providers today.