Breath as a Way to Diagnose Diseases, and Other Links

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  1. seyyed says:

    intereting links!

  2. Alex says:

    I know quite a few artists, so the second link isn’t much of a surprise…

  3. Jordan says:

    Go figure, all of that angsty literature (the teen vampire craze, ugh) came from people with a penchant for depression and self-injury. 50% does seem like a lot though..

  4. Jimmy says:

    Great links!

  5. Lucy Hender says:

    Each patient has a unique breath “fingerprint” that doctors could use to diagnose asthma, stomach ulcers, lung cancer, diabetes, and kidney disease.
    “Anything you can have a blood test for, there is potentially a breath test for…” I wonder if this includes, or will ever include, detecting pregnancy. Very innovative medical tests! Hopefully they are worth the cost.

  6. Charles Gibs says:

    Are creative people more likely to be mentally ill?

    I guess this explains why so many of our most famous writers, novelists, painters, authors, musicians, etc, died of clinical depression, bipolar disorders, suicide, alcohol abuse, and many other cohnditions:
    Theodore Dreiser.
    George Eliot.
    Jules Feiffer.
    F. Scott Fitzgerald.
    John Gibson.
    Robert Munsch.
    Eugene O’Neill.
    Pablo Picasso.
    Edgar Allan Poe.
    Jackson Pollock.
    Charles Schulz.
    Tracy Thompson.
    Vincent van Gogh.

  7. August says:

    “Many hurdles remain in getting such tests standardized and validated, but research is moving rapidly”

    Here is to hoping that the government doesn’t get in the way.

  8. Robert says:

    I find it interesting when there are several links posted, there always seems to be one that everyone jumps on to… And yes, so did I.