“Let-Them-Eat-Cake” Obama Vacation, Demystifying an ER Bill, and Consumer-Driven Religion

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  1. Bruce says:

    The pastor’s viewpoint is not that unusual. I’ve know quite a few that thought that way.

  2. Vicki says:

    Marie Antoinette award? Richly deserved.

  3. Nancy says:

    ERs have become medical clinics, at three times the price. Or is it four times the price?

  4. Virginia says:

    Consumer-driven religion: Think of all the incentives there! Not only do we have a preacher who can “interpret the will of God,” but we also have the congregation that (if it plays by “the rules”) gives a full 10% of its income to the church and rightfully expects a good return on investment.

    If I were a pastor, I’d be giving all “sinners in the hands of an angry God” sermons. Fire and brimstone. That’s what really motivates people ; )

  5. Madeline says:

    I read that Queen Michelle is spending $75,000 a day in Spain. Gives a whole new meaning to the concept of insensitivity.

  6. artk says:

    Well, Madeline, would you rather she not travel with secret service protection? How would an al-Qaida kidnapping of the First Lady and her daughter perk up your summer?

  7. Larry C. says:

    Nancy, if the $4,900 charge is correct, I would guess the ER charge is about 5 times what a primary care physician would charge and maybe 10 times what a community health center would charge.

  8. Madeline says:

    Artk, she needs the Secret Service. But a lot of us manage to travel in foreign countries without staying is pricey suites at the Ritz Carlton.

  9. Devon Herrick says:

    “Pastor opposes ‘consumer-driven religion’.”

    Yes, things have sure gone done hill for the clergy ever since the Reformation gave consumers a choice of how to worship and the Catholic Church had to stop selling condolences.

    Long gone are the good old days when the oddly named, Pope Innocent III, talked the French king into waging a crusade against the Cathars, because they were promoting a Christian religion other than Catholicism. One of the Pope’s commanders told his army as it was about to attack Béziers, “Caedite eos! Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius” (Kill them all! Surely the Lord discerns which are his).

  10. artk says:

    Well Madeline, I don’t travel with secret service, but when I travel I stay at 4 star hotels. You may think she should stay at Motel 6, but it’s just not appropriate for the First Lady.