Why Lawyers Love Golf, and Other Links

Why lawyers love golf. “On every fairway, in every stretch of rough, in every clubhouse, in every golf bag, at every swing at the ball, in every set of plans for a new course, in every application for club membership, there lurks a potential lawsuit.”

Texas high school builds a $60 million football stadium. The game against Plano was a scene straight out of “Friday Night Lights,” complete with cheerleaders, a rousing marching band and rabid fans.

Tests can detect Alzheimer’s early. But do you really want to know? Should your doctor tell you?

Most people have no idea what they are really eating. Nearly 90% think they are eating right — saying that their diet is either somewhat (52.6%), very (31.5%), or extremely healthy (5.6%).

Comments (6)

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  1. Madeline says:

    On lawyers, that’s what they do for a living. Sue people.

  2. Vicki says:

    Alzheimer’s? I’m not sure I would want to know.

  3. Bruce says:

    Glad to see high school football is still alive and well in Texas.

  4. Tandy says:

    Lawyers love any excuse to sue.

  5. Jeff says:

    On eating, maybe everyone is in self denial.

  6. Nancy says:

    I agree that most people have no idea what they are really eating.