Why Can Some People Resist Dessert While Others Can’t?

It’s in the brain:

Scientists are using sophisticated brain-imaging technology to understand how the lure of delicious food can overwhelm the body’s built-in mechanism to regulate hunger and fullness, what’s called “hedonic” versus “homeostatic” eating.

One thing is clear: Obese people react much more hedonistically to sweet, fat-laden food in the pleasure and reward circuits of the brain than healthy-weight people do. Simply seeing pictures of tempting food can light up the pleasure-seeking areas of obese peoples’ brains.

6 thoughts on “Why Can Some People Resist Dessert While Others Can’t?”

  1. Vicki, of course it will be used as an excuse. Nobody is at fault these days if they do anything bad.

  2. I always thought the problem was in the stomach. Now I find out it’s in the brain.

  3. How do we know that the obesity isn’t causing the food craving, rather than the other way around?

  4. Maybe fatty foods are like crack. Once you try it, you’re hooked for like. I feel that way about pasta.

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