What Do A Teenager and Drug Addict Have in Common?, and Other News Items

Teenagers’ brains are similar to those of drug addicts.

Fast food near schools are not an obesity risk for teens.

Your TV is killing you: Television viewing is boosting diabetes rates.

Does talking about your problems make you feel better? No.

Gottlieb: Requiring drug makers to prove a drug is not only safe and effective, but that it outperforms other drugs in the same class, will raise costs and delay access.

CMS will begin using predictive modeling to assess the likelihood that a claim is fraudulent before it’s paid. UnitedHealth Group saved $125 million over a two year period using the method claims.

8 thoughts on “What Do A Teenager and Drug Addict Have in Common?, and Other News Items”

  1. Given the fact that medicine is not a one-size-fits-all business, how can the FDA conclusively decide that one drug will be less effective than another, when it could vary entirely depending on the person and the condition.

  2. I’m not surprised talking about your problems doesn’t make you feel better. Research has found ruminating about negative feelings just makes them worse.

  3. Maybe the teen brains they studied were from drug addicts? Article doesn’t say that that possibility was excluded.

  4. Definitely not surprised about the link between teenagers’ brains and that of drug addicts. That explains the rebelliousness of teens during the high school and early college years. And the immense amounts of partying.

    I’m interested in the lack of correlation between obesity and unhealthy restaurants near high schools. I went to a private all-girls school and there were not that many unhealthy fast food-type places near us, but we had extremely fatty foods served in our cafeteria (as well as a “snack” period in which many girls would eat a second breakfast) and there were several overweight and obese students. We also weren’t allowed to eat off-campus. The problem could be the food services in the schools themselves.

  5. So the commercial shown on teen TV that says “this is your brain …. this is your brain on drugs” should be showing the same image both times?

  6. I agree with Carolyn’s comment above. The safe and effective standard should not become the “safer and more effective” standard.

  7. @Amanda M: There are a number of academic studies that have diligently searched for a linkage between overweight and fast food restaurants near high schools, junk food in vending machines, and the like. They have been unsuccessful.

    The most reliable correlate appears to be parental overweight.

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