Wait Times for Surgery Vault to Record High in Canada

Canadians seeking surgical or other therapeutic treatment faced a median wait time of 19.0 weeks in 2011, the longest wait time since 1993 when the Fraser Institute first began measuring wait times. According to the report:

  • Wait times between 2010 and 2011 increased in both the delay between referral by a general practitioner to consultation with a specialist (rising to 9.5 weeks from 8.9 weeks in 2010), and the delay between a consultation with a specialist and receiving treatment (rising to 9.5 weeks from 9.3 weeks in 2010).
  • The report calculates that, in 2011, the average wait for an appointment with a specialist after being referred by a general practitioner was 156 percent longer than in 1993, and 70 percent longer to receive treatment after seeing a specialist.


Comments (6)

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  1. Buster says:

    I can understand the rationale behind waiting lists for certain procedures that are likely to be abused or over-utilized. However, I cannot understand why there would be waiting lists for surgical procedures that are not likely to be abused. For instance, would a senior actually attempt to get a hip replacement if they didn’t need one? I doubt it.

  2. Carolyn Needham says:

    And this is a country that is more economically free than the United States.

  3. Jack Obchan says:

    Psssst, don’t tell the national media…and virtually every single health care “expert.”

  4. Sarah Onach says:

    A perfect example of deeds vs. words. Canada’s system has all the right words, but the deeds are in short supply.

  5. Marvin says:

    So, you wait five months. You may die, be unable to walk or in horrific pain, but, hey! It’s “free” health care, right?

  6. Brian says:

    Regarding increased wait lists for surgical procedures, aren’t doctors leaving the country (in Canada)? Fewer doctors means longer wait lists with the kind of system they have in place there.