Tyler Cowen Endorses Managed Care

Under the heading “Managed Care: Get Used to It,” he writes:

The question is not managed care versus the status quo, but which opportunities — and the restrictions that go with them — we are prepared to accept. When will we acknowledge that our government — or, for that matter, our insurance companies — can’t pay every bill? We’re in denial, and the longer we wait, the more painful the solution will be.

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  1. Bruce says:

    Tyler doesn’t know anything about health care. He proves that just about every time he writes on the subject.

  2. Stephn C. says:

    This is Tyler (the libertarian???) Cowen who said this?

  3. Tom H. says:

    Let’s enroll Tyler in HMO and keep him there until he cries “HSA.”

  4. Linda Gorman says:

    Better yet, enroll him in Medicare, Medicaid, or the VA. The wait time to crying HSA might be shorter.

  5. John R. Graham says:

    Prof. Cowen suggests that the British NHS provides “managed care” in the same sense that Kaiser Permanente or another U.S. HMO does. This is not the case (http://tinyurl.com/y9bvzkp, http://tinyurl.com/y9scl48). Indeed, the NHS has recently had a big PR emphasis on “choice”, i.e. that you don’t have to go to the specialist or hospital where your primary-care doc wants you to go (http://tinyurl.com/nlrxaq). Canada, which imposes the most monopolistic government control over access to medical services, uses fee-for-service in almost all cases.

  6. Skip LaSaker says:

    sent the email to my Congressman and bluedogs. The bluedogs url is defective and didn’t go through. What a waste of time

  7. Larry C. says:

    What’s missing from the Marginal Revolution web site is any understanding of how the principle of marginalism applies to health care. And that is a really strange omission.

  8. John Goodman says:

    Here is a previous post on Tyler Cowen’s views on health care: http://www.john-goodman-blog.com/tyler-cowen-misses-the-mark/

  9. Bruce says:

    Who says Tyler is libertarian?

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