They’re Bad for Your Heart and Proud of It

Iggy Lena and Bob Kutnick knew it was a good idea — open a medically themed sports bar with unfashionable menu items, such as Chili Chest Pain Fries and The Heart Stopper, a 3-pound burger. Decorate with a heart defibrillator and a dialysis machine. Make the tables look like wheelchairs, put salt and pepper in pill bottles, and present the bill in a plastic first-aid kit.

The result is their 6-week-old Heart Stoppers Sports Grill in Delray Beach, where the menu warns that “consumption of our food will definitely lead to obesity” and there is a standing offer of free food to anyone over 350 pounds.

But this week, Lena and Kutnick got some bad news — a federal lawsuit from Heart Attack Grill in Chandler, Ariz.

Full article on the lawsuit between the medically-themed restaurants.

Comments (3)

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  1. Neil H. says:

    Nice pairing with the piece on the world’s fattest man. The man and this restaurant were made for each other.

  2. Vicki says:

    They deserve to be sued.

  3. Stephen C. says:

    You know at first this is amusing. But on reflection it is disgusting.