The Death of Private Practice, and Other Links

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  1. Paul H. says:

    Thanks for the video of the Mandelbrot set. I had previously only seen a drawing or two.

  2. Larry C. says:

    I agree with Scott Gottleib. Private practice is on it’s way out.

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    The trend away from private practice began before ObamaCare. Increasingly, doctors are moving into group practices and working for hospitals because they want to avoid the hassle of running a business. Women make up about half of medical school graduates. They tend to care less about being their own boss — preferring the convenience of stable working hours and with better work / life balance.

  4. Ken says:

    I also agree with Gottlieb, but it’s already happening.

  5. Brian Williams. says:

    I’m not sure what to make of the video with the nurse anesthetists singing…

  6. Neil H. says:

    Ken, it is already happening, but it will accelerate under Obama Care. Basically, private practice doctors are going to be discriminated against under the Medicare reimbursement rules.

  7. Tom H. says:

    I read that Mandelbrot, a famous mathematician, died the other day, but I had no idea what he was known for. Thanks for explaining what a Mandelbrot set is.

  8. Seamus MD says:

    Saw the writing on the wall, sold my solo practice last month, now working for a big university physicians group. More financial security. Less hassle. Less motivated to “go the extra mile”. And there you have it in a nutshell (an appropriate receptacle if ever there was one).