Tax Hikes vs. Spending Cuts, and Other Links

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  1. Buster says:

    Physicians with the least experience have higher cost profiles.

    This doesn’t surprise me. They’re just out of school, they are idealistic. They’ve been exposed to the newest technology. They may even be a little naive about what is possible to achieve with modern medicine. They also may not have come to the realization that money is an object. Finally, their lack of experience may cause them to error on the side of caution.

  2. seyyed says:

    maybe because less patients are willing to see them they end up charging more

  3. Peterson says:

    “We’re not a center-right country; we’re a center-libertarian country”

    I dont know if I would make that claim. I believe the country is moving towards a more government dependent state. No longer are we the country of personal accountability and responsibility, rather we are the country that would like to blame others for our misfortunes and shirk from our duty to provide for OUR OWN needs.

  4. Cindy says:

    I honestly think there’s a huge opportunity for libertarianism right now — the government is growing because Democrats are taking a relatively libertarian stance on social issues. For a lot of people, it’s appealing to not have the government mandating a lot of social policy and so they swallow more government in other areas to prevent massive incursions on issues that are more emotional.

    I think that if there was more awareness that there’s an option for voters that tends towards less government on social issues while not busting the budget, people would find it VERY appealing.

  5. Peterson says:

    But Cindy, wouldn’t you say the majority of voters this election cycle voted on the economy and spending, and NOT on social issues? If so, wouldnt a vote for Obama be a validation for the current fiscal problems we face and the solutions the president has?

  6. Robert says:

    . “Conservatives and the Republican Party will have a real chance for a comeback — unless the skills of the new president turn what was primarily an anti-Bush vote into the basis for a new liberal governing era.”

    A straight path down this road will continue to alienate voters.

  7. Cindy says:

    You would think that, but a lot of key demographics that the GOP just doesn’t resonate with as successfully are women, minorities, and young single people. For those groups, it seems like the GOP’s harsh conservatism on issues like abortion, marriage, etc. is harmful. Gay marriage, legalized marijuana, etc. were all ballot initiative victories.

    In many ways, a lot of the candidates were on the record very far right on social issues to win in the primaries and I think a lot of people just don’t feel as comfortable with that as they did. I think it’s at least worth a shot to bundle fiscal conservatism with a “liberal” social agenda, arguing for less government intrusion in those areas. What you end up with is ideologically consistent and plays better with some important subsections of the electorate.

  8. Carolyn says:

    Physicians with the least experience have higher cost profiles.
    “We found that physicians with fewer than ten years of experience had 13.2 percent higher overall costs than physicians with forty or more years of experience.” How does this make sense at all? Can we infer then that, sooner than later, less-experienced employees are going to start getting paid more than more-experienced ones too?