Private Medicaid Health Plans Save Money, Improve Access

The funding for this study comes from a source that is hardly disinterested – America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP). Even so, the LewinGroup analysis of 24 other studies is interesting:

  • Private Medicaid health plans across the studies reduced spending – ranging from ½% to 20%
  • In California, inpatient costs were reduced by 38% (TANF) and 25% (SSI)
  • Drug costs were 10 – 15% lower

Access improved and enrollees gave the plans high satisfaction ratings.

Comments (5)

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  1. Joe S. says:

    So why doesn’t this put an end to all this silliness about including a public plan in the Obama health insurance exchange?

  2. Mike B says:

    Public plan options would suck the risk from the private insurance pool. The difference in Medicare and Private insurance payments is quite substantial. The private insurance market supplements the fees for the medicare system. More and more doctors are opting not to take Medicare fee schedule.

  3. Family and General Practice in Florida says:

    So why doesn’t this put an end to all this silliness about including a public plan in the Obama health insurance exchange?

  4. Andrea says:

    According to my research A health insurance exchange is the proposed way under the Obama administration to help with health insurance competition and health insurance reform.For more information you can visit us on Orthotics Ottowa

  5. Rajanarayana says:

    There is no hospital greed; more than 80% of hosatipls lost money last year. Where’s the greed? Most doctors make good money, but it’s lost in malpractice insurance and paying for staff. This is my industry; I’m sorry to say, but your belief in this idea is incorrect. Don’t believe me; ask your own doctor this question the next time you see him and see if he believes he’s making too much money. Would you rather your doctor get it right, or do less and guess what’s wrong with you?Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been hearing about people locally who have gotten real sick; one passed away on Saturday. His wife is already lining up the lawsuit saying the doctors didn’t do enough to diagnose him and save his life. Whether she wins or they win, it’s going to cost millions of dollars. There’s your costs right there.