Parkland Gets Better at Delivering Babies

Newborn FootprintWe have previously reported on the dire results of rationing by waiting at this Dallas hospital's emergency room here, here, here, here and here. But we have also reported on its amazing success at delivering more babies than any other facility in the country [here]. With 70% Hispanic, 90% minority, all poor, and an undetermined percent illegal, Parkland has half the infant mortality rate as the nation as a whole.

The new finding, to be published in Obstetrics and Gynecology is that Parkland's rate of premature births (4.9%) is less than half the national average (10.1%).

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  1. Joe S. says:

    Proving, once again, that islands of excellence can emerge in otherwise bureaucratic systems.

  2. Neil H. says:

    Joe, have you considered that Parkland may be just responding to incentives. I don’t know the facts here, but it seems likely that Parkland makes a profit on its low premature birth rates. I think I’ve seen reported here before that Parkland makes a profit on baby deliveries overall.

    On the other hand, Parkland propbably loses money if it cuts down on waiting times at its emergency room.

  3. Family and General Practice in Pennsylvania says:

    Proving, once again, that islands of excellence can emerge in otherwise bureaucratic systems.