IRS Not Much More Helpful than ObamaCare Hotline

In fiscal year 2013 that ended Sept. 30, the I.R.S. received 109 million phone calls, according to the [National Taxpayer Advocate] report. Only 61 percent of those callers reached a customer service representative, and their average wait time was nearly 18 minutes. (NYT)

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  1. Heinz says:

    “their average wait time was nearly 18 minutes.”

    Good Patience…

  2. Perry says:

    It’s the government, doesn’t have to be helpful.

  3. Thomas says:

    They are both run by the Federal government, what can you really expect?

  4. James M. says:

    “Taxpayers are likely to encounter reduced service from the agency because of continued cuts in its budget and staff,”

    Well that is one reason. You can’t expect much after cuts to budget and staff

  5. Andrew says:

    “Only 61 percent of those callers reached a customer service representative.”

    If the average wait time was 18 minutes, how much longer would the wait times be if the other 39% had stayed on the line long enough to reach a representative.

  6. Denilson P. says:

    Government provided services are normally flawed. That is why Communism failed; state-run enterprises are never as efficient as they should be. IRS costumer service was not designed to help customers, for them it is better if the citizens make mistakes. Why help the user if when they make mistakes the government will get more money?

  7. Stephen M. says:

    A government that is not helping the people, a faulty service provided that a government that every day has to do more things with less money. It is something that has become normal and expected.

    • Matthew says:

      And everything the government is doing is on borrowed money. Another sign that everything is in shambles and a fix is not in sight.

  8. Bill B. says:

    “The reductions mean the I.R.S. is “significantly hampered” in its ability to offer “top quality” service”

    Yes this is exactly what the IRS is known for. Too bad we will be missing this.