Hits & Misses – 2009/3/27

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  1. Bruce says:

    Sorry to see th hamburger result. How can we get that changed?

  2. Scott A. says:

    Why is it we never hear about generic drug prices when the discussion turns to Canada and drugs?

  3. Stephen C. says:

    Waht do you suppose a 4,800 calorie burger a day does for life expectancy? See post below.

  4. Chris says:

    So I was in Sam’s club one Sunday a few weeks ago, helping to support that “evil” job providing corporation, and they had those “abused and exploited” yet seemingly chipper employees out handing out food samples. One was of Boca Burgers, the vegan veggie burger. I’d never had one, so I gave it a try.

    Holy crap it actually tasted good!

    Now we eat them atleast once a week. I get those at Sams for less than a buck a burger. Then I get Brownberry’s “Special Whole Grain” buns at the grocery store which are multigrain and have like three times the protein of a normal bun.

    Then I get normal sharp cheddar cheese, I could get 2% milk cheese, but cheese is my splurge. It ends up being a 350 calorie quarter pound burger that counts as like 2 servings of veggies, has like 35-40 grams of protein, and 10 grams of fiber. Its a burger, but its one of the healthiest things I cook.

    I also make bison burgers sometimes which are very very lean (leaner than fish) but to season the meat, form the patties, etc etc. It takes time. When I don’t feel like putting the effort in I fall back on the boca burgers.

    I’ll still eat steaks, never more than 8oz servings (usually a tenderloin) but I haven’t bought ground beef in years, I’ll use ground turkey or bison (or both) in any ground meat applications.

    What do I get for my responsible eating habits and overall good health? Higher taxes so I get to pay for healthcare for someone who eats McDonalds three times a day.

  5. Linda Gorman says:

    For those who want change, consider TJ Key et al. (2009), who did a prospective study of 64,000+ vegetarians and nonvegetarians in the UK. For those without cardiovascular disease or malignant cancer at recruitment, the death rate ratios, adjusted for age, sex, smoking, and alcohol consumption were roughly equal between vegetarians and nonvegetarians. Diet didn’t matter.

    In this kind of research, a 30 percent increase is pretty small given all the sources of error.

  6. Bart says:

    Ground chicken works for me; never could develop a taste for ground turkey.

  7. Hajar says:

    You know what happens once the gnnvremeot controls our health? we all pay for it and we know how much indemnity is. We pay for the 10 mil+ unemployed as well, the ones who can’t find work as well as the freeloaders.The gnnvremeot gets to say we pay for your health so you HAVE to take this new vaccine. You HAVE to loose weight or you aren’t roofed. You HAVE to do this course of action since we won’t pay for the additional. Reckon all the excellent doctors will want to work here and be paid less than now?