High Altitudes Cause Weight Loss, Cuts to NASA’s Manned Space Program Will Actually Boost Science, and Misleading Food Labels

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  1. Bruce says:

    On the serving size, I think this is just fraud. You wonder why we haven’t seen a class action lawsuit already.

    Apprently, a real serving is about twice the size the cereal box says it is.

  2. Paul H. says:

    So what’s the point of labels, if all the labels are wrong?

  3. Virginia says:

    The worst part of the serving size piece is right here:

    “Still, the solution is not as simple as merely bumping up the standard portions for some foods. Officials worry that could send the wrong message. If the serving size for cookies rose to two ounces, from one ounce, for instance, some consumers might think the government was telling them it was fine to eat more.”

    The government shouldn’t tell me how much to eat of anything. Is there anyone in America who really reads the food pyramid and actually tries to measure foods in those proportions?

    I do occasionally read serving size information, and frankly, I think it’s silly to force companies to change their serving size based on how many chips most Americans consume (Imagine the regulatory agency that is in charge of measuring the average amount of ice cream that American women consume on any given night and translating that into a serving size!).

    I’m shocked that the FDA does not regulate the dimensions of our forks and spoons such that we are forced to eat less food with each bite. Or perhaps limit the size of plates so that we must always go back for seconds if we want more food.

    Better yet, why not issue government plates with portion sizes already carved into the china so that we’ll always know when we’re being gluttons?

  4. Tom H. says:

    Virginia, this is what happens when you live in a nanny state.

  5. Evelina says:

    I believe it is considerably harder for women to recuce weight than a man I remember reading 4 times as hard. So good luck.