Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Perry says:

    “ObamaCare is driving up Medicaid costs — even in states that rejected Medicaid expansion.

    Buyer’s remorse: ObamaCare patients learn their doctors are not in network — even though insurers told them they were.

    ObamaCare contractors paid to do nothing: “Their goals are set to process two applications per month and some people are not even able to do that.””

    Who would have guessed?

    “Goldman Sachs: ObamaCare is good for economy.”

    Does not compute.

    • Phil M. Johnson says:

      Reading the article, it is literally one man’s opinion with minimal warrants to back up his claims. I understand that he works at Goldman, but the article that I read doesn’t really seem to indicate a warrant behind his arguments.

  2. Buster says:

    Study: Being ignored on Facebook leads to low self-esteem.

    Maybe so, but ignoring most of the people I know on Facebook is good for my sense of my time’s value. I’m just not into the shallow, discussions that occur on Facebook. Many of my friends have nothing in common with each other — except for me. It just seems like a waste of time. It’s like having a party line on your phone.

    • Studebaker says:

      I’m with you on that! If I knew how to code I would create an Antisocial network called Curmudgeon or Frenemies. Rather than building a network of shallow friendships through “friend requests,” you would accumulate enemies and frenemies by sending out taunts and insults to acquaintances and strangers.

    • Perry says:

      I just ignore Facebook.

    • Phil M. Johnson says:

      Many people, especially younger people who put more emphasis on online relations, may have social media anxiety. So, they set targets for themselves (getting a specific number of likes on a picture, having so many people a day post on their wall, receiving messages daily, etc.), which, if not met, can likely lead to depression. It’s logical from my minimal psychological expertise.

      • Devon Herrick says:

        I can see how feeling obligated to logon to Facebook and look at every “friend’s” posts and comment on them and “like them” could really become a downer.

        I’ve had friends who ask me to join their Facebook group to discuss Republican politics and conservative public policy. My response has always been: that’s related to what I do for a living; but not what I want do afterhours when I’m trying to unwind.

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    ObamaCare is driving up Medicaid costs — even in states that rejected Medicaid expansion…

    The woodwork effect, the individual mandate and the health insurance exchanges (that direct people into Medicaid when they apply for coverage) virtually guarantees Medicaid rolls will rise even in states that don’t expand eligibility.

  4. Mitch says:

    Being ignored leads to low self esteem? No kidding…

  5. Bob Hertz says:

    1. The notion that ObamaCare is good for the economy comes from the idiotic way that some economists measure GDP.

    If the government gives out food stamps or health care subsidies, that is counted as an increase in national income.

    That is a very short sighted view!!!

    2. It is very hard for me to feel sorry for the states that are experiencing the woodwork effect.

    For these reasons:

    a. These states have known for decades that they had a lot of poor people.

    So they set the Medicaid limits well below 100% of poverty, and also had stringent and complex paperwork requirements to get onto Medicaid.

    They want to keep the low wage industries that in effect spawn Medicaid beneficiaries, but they do not want to pay for any social benefits.

    b. The states who are feeling the woodwork effect in many cases have no state income tax. (Texas, Tenn, several others)

    It will not ruin them if the new burden of woodwork beneficiaries makes them install a state income tax.

    If a wealthy retiree in Texas whose income is $70,000 a year now has to pay a state income tax of 2%, I will sleep at night.

    • John R. Graham says:

      That is exactly right: If the government takes money from Peter and gives it to Paul, who consumes it, that is an increase in GDP. In the classical, Keynesian, national-income accounts, increases in government spending are always a positive – especially when financed by debt!