Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

17 thoughts on “Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen”

  1. “Over the last six months, there have been 37 cases of patients who received surgery on the wrong part of their body.”

    Great job, that is substantially less than the number of cases during the Civil War.

  2. “More than eight in ten U.S. cancer specialists have struggled to find the drugs they need to best treat their patients.”

    Sadly, it will only get worse.

  3. “Britain’s NHS: Mothers were abandoned by their midwives during labour; serious hospital mistakes happen as often as five times a week.”

    So you’re saying that maybe – just maybe – Europe’s health care isn’t better than ours?

  4. “Massachusetts exchange having the same technical glitches as other states.”

    I’m not exactly surprised.

  5. Cancer research has progressed so much in the past few decades. Now all we need is access to the new therapies that are constantly being discovered.

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