Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Baker says:

    “Agents authorized 15 crimes a day, on average, including everything from buying and selling illegal drugs to bribing government officials and plotting robberies. ”

    Victimless crimes!

    • Qwerty says:

      Not exactly, but “Agents are not allowed to authorize violent crimes under any circumstances”

      • JD says:

        “selling illegal drugs”

        what if it happened to turn violent? or if the user became violent? what kind of illegal drugs are we talking about here?

  2. Cabaret says:

    The little Bulger bit at the end is interesting.

    Bulger uses his status as an FBI informant to steer police away from his own crime ring. In court he maintains that he is not an informant, only a criminal.

  3. August says:

    “He said 30% to 40% of MemorialCare patients–about 130,000 people–use its EMR systems to order prescription refills, or see lab results. To boost patient adoption he asks physicians to encourage patients to use the portals. ”

    Just wait a decade or so and people will get the hang of it.

  4. mb says:

    I wonder if more than 24% have access to useful information in their EMR (I know where I work hipaa regs and paternalism lead to a lot of data hiding – some technical issues like file size (think mri images) prevent data sharing). Also if it is anything like the EMR I have access to, it is faster to call and schedule than do it through the EMR (you select a time then they confirm through email – if you don’t get the time you start over). Overall as a patient tool EMRs are not worth the time.

  5. Buster says:

    Most hospitals have implemented electronic medical records, but only 24% of consumers are making use of them, a new study shows.

    EHR has the potential to improve medical care. However, hospitals, doctors and clinics have no reason to use it boost efficiency since they don’t compete on price.

    • JD says:

      Important point. If we actually had a market in health care, we would be seeing new advances put to good use.

  6. Sandip says:

    “The Obama Administration is hiding the Benghazi survivors, changing their names and dispersing them around the country.”

    It’s all too secretive, just like the previous administration. The establishment of both parties is hurting this country and the principles it was founded upon.

  7. Sandip says:

    Most hospitals have implemented electronic medical records, but only 24% of consumers are making use of them, a new study shows.

    Shows the huge disconnect with the patient and provider. What do you all think?