Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Brian Williams. says:

    Is Michael Moore kidding? If there is just a finite amount of wealth (which, apparently, is a national resource), why isn’t the economy the same size as it was in 1776?

  2. Joe Barnett says:

    Just because a guy wrote a book, and Caplan claims that author is pro-Roosevelt, doesn’t mean we should take its claims at face value. Did Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau think Roosevelt was an antisemite? (And, was Morgenthau an anti-German?)

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    The article on diet soda is interesting. People think that by eating (or drinking) something that is lower in fat and calories than typical junk food makes the consumption of junk food OK.

  4. Paul H. says:

    Roosevelt discovery doesn’t surprise me. Most of the “progressives” in the first half of the 20th century were anti-semetic.

    A lot of them (e.g., Woodrow Wilson) were also racists.

  5. Joe S. says:

    Prisons won’t allow organ donations? I bet if they could sell the organs they would be first in line.

  6. Virginia says:

    Did you guys ever see “King Corn”? The makers of the film had their hair tested for composition. The result: they were 70% corn.