Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    I don’t have direct knowledge of how it works in Texas, but Medicaid dental benefits are subject to abuse in many states. Kids tend to have healthy teeth. However, it is not uncommon to find examples of kids on Medicaid having multiple teeth worked on at the same time and dentists installing crowns on baby teeth.

  2. Bruce says:

    Hey, I like salt.

  3. Buster says:

    Maybe people with low IQs tend to like salt and dislike exercise.

  4. Simon says:

    Good post, interesting links as usual.

  5. Brian says:

    I worked in the dining center at an assisted living facitility for a number of years. Whether the staff should require a resident to eat is a common and difficult dilemma. It is confusing when you have a resident on one side insisting they aren’t hungry or thirsty and their family on the other.

    I’m glad you posted this article. If this information were commonly available in assisted livings it would be a great help to staff.

  6. KG says:

    Buster’s right. The salt study absolutely does not prove causation, only correlation. Maybe smarter people are more aware of the risks of high sodium intake and sedentary lifestyles, so they try to offset those risks by eating less salt and being more active.

  7. Lizzy says:

    RE the couch potato & salt study: It’s yet another expensive, funded report that states the obvious. Those couch campers who munch mindlessly in front of the “idiot box” and quit communicating with their fellow human beings face more health troubles. Duh!

  8. Brian Williams. says:

    I agree with Buster’s comment. For all we know, children who swollow lead paint chips grow up to hate exercise and crave salt.

  9. Virginia says:

    End of life care is such an important topic, and no one seems to want to have really honest conversations about the elderly and their right to end their own lives.