CMS Pans Reid’s Health Bill

This is from Medicare’s Chief Actuary, Rick Foster:

  • The Reid bill would increase, not decrease, overall health care spending.
  • It will increase medical prices and health insurance premiums.
  • The cuts in Medicare will jeopardize access to care for seniors.
  • It will cause one out of every three Medicare Advantage members to lose coverage and cause others to have reduced benefits.
  • It is likely to cause providers to be less willing to see Medicare and Medicaid patients.
  • Medicare cuts could cause the closure of 20% of all Part A providers (hospitals, nursing homes, etc.), if they were actually made.
  • But it is unlikely that the cuts will be made — which means the proposal is not realistically funded.

4 thoughts on “CMS Pans Reid’s Health Bill”

  1. Perpetual threats to slash Medicare reimbursements are largely about rent-seeking. The greater the treat of a cut, the more likely professional associations who represent physicians will make campaign contributions in order to prevent a cut. Proposing cuts that are not expected to be implemented is also a way to artificially make programs appear fiscally sounds when they are anything but.

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