iHologram, and other links

Are states and city governments going to default? Here’s the 60 Minutes alarm story, with all it’s backlash and counterbacklash.

Megan McArdle: I will stop referring to it as ObamaCare when we stop calling them the Bush tax cuts for the rich.

New Year’s Eve prediction from IBM: holographic phone calls by 2015.


Oh, the possibilities.

Comments (6)

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  1. John Polgar says:

    When even 60 Minutes won’t go to bat for government bloat you know it’s bad.

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    Holographic phone calls? I think there are some obstacles. Video phone calls never took off because people sometimes have to answer the phone in their pajamas and hair curlers.

  3. Jan Borgar says:

    Well, they’re Mr. Obama’s tax cuts now.

  4. Brian Williams. says:

    I’ll wait for the holographic text messaging.

  5. Lizzy says:

    Three cheers for Megan.

  6. Vicki says:

    Neat hologram.