Check Out a Dog from this Library, and Other News

Feeling stress? Yale law library lets you check out a therapy dog.

Chinese firms have paid millions of dollars to Lay-Z-Boy and other US furniture makers to refrain from accusing them of “dumping” (selling below cost in order to gain market share). Alex Tabarrok calls this extortion. Megan McArdle defends it.

Researchers: it is possible to immunize mammals to control fertility. “Technique could possibly be used on other mammals — including humans.”

Comments (5)

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  1. Vicki says:

    There are days when I would like to check out a dog.

  2. Bruce says:

    On fertility control, don’t give the powers that be any new ideas. You never know what they might do.

  3. Greg says:

    Pooch for a day. Interesting thought.

  4. Brian Williams. says:

    Yale is renting out Handsome Dan? I can see a Harvard prank in the making…

  5. Sofia says:

    How much does it cost for therapy dog?