Category: Interesting Links






Secret to successful dieting: Every other day, eat nothing.

Does posting calories reduce calorie consumption? Two studies say no and the third is inconclusive.

Fighting obesity may take a village: In France, it’s called Epode.

Drug companies are covering the patient copays on brand name drugs. Insurance companies don’t like it.

Does a positive mental attitude reduce the risk of heart attack? Apparently, yes.



Cost of war in Afghanistan: $1 million per soldier.

Hospital mistakenly declares man dead: Loses Social Security and Medicare.

Finnair is offering frequent flyers free plastic surgery in exchange for air miles. Breast enlargement costs 120 New York flights.



About 75 percent of America’s 17- to 24-year-olds are ineligible for military service: The reason: they are poorly educated, overweight and have physical ailments that make them unfit for the armed forces.

Embryo mix-up: Woman gives birth to a baby boy after being implanted with an embryo that wasn’t hers.

Fat pride: “The stigma is so heavy a burden that it took our community 40 years before it could go to Capitol Hill and lobby for ourselves.”


Marilyn Wann, member of the
National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance
Image credit: Heidi Schumann/The New York Times


Still waiting for your H1N1 shot? The prisoners at Guantanamo are getting theirs.

So are the traders on Wall Street.

Hits & Misses – 2009/11/2

You too can visit the Oval Office and even use the White House bowling alley. Cost: $30,400 or a pledge to bundle $300,000 of other peoples’ donations.

Pay the same price large insurers pay by using new online tools: You may even be able to pay Medicare rates.

Surprising study finding: After a patent expires, prices fall by 61%, but utilization doesn’t increase. Generics just replace branded prescriptions.

Why can’t you get the swine flu vaccine? Three major policy mistakes are part of the answer.

Halloween census update: America has 134,000 Wiccans, 33,000 Druids and 140,000 Pagans.