Category: Interesting Links

Obama Still Lacks Medicare Chief, House Bill Delays Competition from Generic Drug Makers, and Unfunded Pension Obligations

Huge Price Jump in Brand-Name Meds, Doctor Payments Lowered, and Amish Exempt from Obama Mandate

Depression, How Dust Affects Your Health, the Downside to Winning the Lottery, and Worthless Cold and Cough Meds

New Orleans Hospitals Liable, Swine Flu Reprint, and Other Swine Flu Coverage

19 Pills per Day, Prescriptions Not Taken Properly, and NYC’s Guide on How to Shoot Heroin Safely

One in four seniors surveyed take between 10 and 19 pills daily; more than half take at least five different prescription drugs regularly. Hat tip to MCOL Daily Factoid.

40% of the 3 billion annual prescriptions issued in the U.S. are not taken properly; patients do not even pick up 12% of them. Hat tip to HealthExecMobile.

How do you shoot heroin safely? New York City-funded guide has the answer.

One Million Veterans Waiting for Disability Claims, AMA Selling Out, Cut Costs of Diabetic Care, and the Market for Placebos

Coffee and Cancer, Stress and Cancer, and a Possible Cure for AIDS

Coffee drinking has been linked to lower risks of prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s, strokes and even committing suicide. It also helps with crossword puzzles.

Can stress cause cancer? Of the 315,544 subjects in [an Israeli] study, men born from 1940 to 1945 who were in Europe through the war years developed cancer at three and a half times the rate of men the same age who immigrated to Israel during the war.

Only one man seems to have ever been cured of AIDS. That might be about to change.

Personal Breathalyzer, Red Wine, and Coffee

Are you drunk? Your own personal breathalyzer can answer that question.

You can have the healthful substance in red wine, without drinking the wine. But, how boring.

Can coffee drinking help prevent diabetes? Yes. But decaf works just as well.

150 Million Microbes, Carpe Diem Tomorrow, and New Year’s Eve

There may be, all told, 150 million species of microbes. They can dwell in acid-drenched mines and Antarctic deserts.

Once you start procrastinating pleasure, it can become a self-perpetuating process: The longer you wait to open that prize bottle of wine, the more special the occasion has to be.

Walking home drunk after a New Year’s Eve party can be dangerous. More pedestrians are killed on the first day of the year than on any other day, and many of those killed have elevated blood alcohol levels.
