Category: Interesting Links

Benefit of Moderate Drinking, Germs in Gut Drive Appetite, and 22-Year-Old UK Hospital Patient Dies of Thirst

The good news: Moderate drinkers gain less weight than nondrinkers. The bad news: You only get two drinks per day.

Appetite is in the gut. Well, okay, it’s the germs in the gut.

UK patient, dying of thirst, unsuccessfully calls police to beg for water. Is this system still “the envy of the world”?

Beer Attracts Mosquitoes, Facial Recognition, and One Thousand Species of Bacteria Can Live in Your Gut

Malarial mosquitoes like beer drinkers.

Never forget a face? Thank your parents because facial recognition is inherited.

The human gut can harbor more than 1000 different species of bacteria. But the average person only has 160.

Half of All Infections are Caused by Hospitals, Household Dust, and Kids are Snacking More

Half of all infection deaths are caused by hospitals. Infections are acquired in the course of care.

Carrollton, Texas is a good place to drop dead from cardiac arrest. (15.8% survive vs. 2% in large cities nationally). 

Kids snack on junk food almost continuously throughout the day (about 27% of daily calorie intake).

Do pretty hospitals improve outcomes? Either that, or they are attracting healthier patients, says Healthcare Economist blog.

Deadliest State for Bicyclists, One Less Cookie, and Is Sugar Safe?

McDonald’s Controversial “Diet Friendly” Menu, Low-Fat vs. Low-Carb Diets, and Is Obesity Bad for the Economy?

McDonald’s adds Weight Watchers logo to some menu items. Lets’ see, I’ll have a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, large fries, and tofu and raw carrots on the side.

Which will work better: a low-fat or low-carb diet? Your genes have the answer.

Reid Celebrates “Big Day” in America, Obama’s Tax on Investment Income, and the Real Cost of Obama’s Health Plan

Harry Reid: “Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good.” (video)

James C. Capretta: Obama’s health plan will not cost “only” $950 billion over ten years: Ten years’ worth of spending will total up to $2.5 trillion, and maybe even as much as $3 trillion.

Obama’s Special Health Treatment, Doctors Advise Obama to Stop Smoking, and American Reliance on Government at All-Time High

Napping on the Job, Stop Taking Your Daily Aspirin Until You Read This, and Lawyers Gave $1 Billion to Candidates for Federal Office

Chronic Conditions, Hypertension is Almost a Guarantee, and Frequent Hand Washing Does Not Stop Spread of Flu

5,000 Deaths Caused by Foodborne Illnesses Each Year, Health Care Political Action Committees Donate Millions, and Hospital Patients Steal

Bon appétit: “While most of the 76 million reported foodborne illnesses a year are mild, 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths are related to tainted food each year.”

Earning their keep: “As Congress worked on health care legislation that would dramatically reshape their industry…donations by the top 15 health care political action committees rose to $11.7 million in 2009.”

64% of hospital patients steal: They take numerous items from hospital rooms, costing hospitals nationwide at least $52 million annually.