Category: Interesting Links

10 Most Depressing Jobs, and Other Links

Ten most depressing jobs. Health care worker (including doctors and nurses) is number 4.

“Aromatase Inhibitors May Be Heartbreakers” Is this headline inappropriate humor? You decide.

Good grades pay off (or is it just being smart?) Study: high school students who get good grades are also likely to be healthier as adults.

White House Rejects Debt Commission Summit, and Other News

White House rejects Bowles/Simpson call for a debt commission summit. “I think we’ve had about all the fun we can stand on congressional summits.”

Older men are already undertreated for prostate cancer. And ObamaCare hasn’t even started.

Women spend one-third more than men on health care. Obviously, their premiums should be higher.

More Women are Binge Drinking, and Other News

More women are binge drinking and are more obese, diabetic and hypertensive. “The takeaway message is that we’re really not where we should be.”

What’s sex like after 90? It ain’t over until it’s over.

Do energy drinks improve sports performance? Apparently not.

World’s fattest woman may have a brain tumor. But she won’t fit in the MRI machine.

Blue Cross Demands Monopolistic Deals with Hospitals, and Other Links

Georgia Blue Cross to hospitals: Don’t even think about giving another insurer a better deal.

Posner: We’re in a depression.

Lawyers can’t take a contingency fee in divorce cases, but you can. My advice: make sure the divorcing couple is rich.

Failure to communicate: Less than half (48%) “of patients say they were always involved in decisions about their treatment, and 29% of patients don’t know who was in charge of their case while they were in the hospital.”

Robot Only Chooses the Best Strawberries, and Other Links

Very smart robot: It picks only the ripest strawberries. (video) HT to Tyler Cowen.

David Friedman solution to the state pension crisis: A governor’s promises aren’t binding after he leaves office.

Do more frequent pay-for-performance reviews improve performance? No.  (HT to Jason Shafrin)


Unfilled Prescriptions Cost Pharmacies Millions per Year, and Other Links

110 million prescriptions per year are filled, but never picked up. Since it costs a pharmacy an estimated $5 to $10 to prepare, then return to the shelves, an unclaimed medication, the  total cost is more than $500 million a year.           

The Web surfing history saved in your Web browser can be accessed without your permission. It’s called “history sniffing.”

Paralyzed patients can stand, walk and even climb stairs. The mechanism: robotic “pants” that use sensors and motors. (video)

Aging Reversed in Mice, and Other Links

Aging reversed in mice. “These mice were equivalent to 80-year-old humans and were about to pass away…After the experiment, they were the physiological equivalent of young adults.”

SEIU (strong backer of health reform) drops children’s coverage for 30,000 workers. The reason: Obama Care regulations.

Feeling no pain: Acupuncture works afterall. We’ve also reported on how acupuncture works and that fake acupuncture seems to work as well as real.

Can you be too rich or ….?  Yes, it turns out that being too thin isn’t healthy.

Co-Chair of Obama’s Debt Commission Says “Seniors are the Greediest Generation”

Debt Commission Co-Chair, Alan Simpson: Seniors are the greediest generation. “I really believe that there are more patriots in America than selfish, selfish people.”

Obama promises to cut $100 million out of the budget. What does that mean? (Very funny video)

Study: People won’t choose doctors based on their performance: “Research conducted over the past 20 years in several countries provides little support for the belief that most patients behave in a consumerist fashion as far as their health is concerned.”

Electronic pickpocketing: “If I just get kind of close to (a person’s) back pocket or purse, where ever their wallet is, I can read their credit card numbers, expiration date, actually the whole tracking data.”

Let them eat cookies: Alberta health official refuses to answer questions about crowding and long waits for care because he was eating a cookie instead. (news article and video)

How Many Doctors are Pro-Physician-Assisted Suicide? You Might Be Surprised…

“Are there situations in which physician-assisted suicide should be allowed?” Doctors: 45.8% answered “yes”; 40.7% answered “no”; and 13.5% said “it depends.”

The cost of operating Air Force One is $181,757 per hour. President Obama has spent more days abroad in his first two years than any other president.

Almost one-quarter of young women who are overweight think they are normal. One in six women of normal body weight worry they’re too fat.

What health insurance could learn from auto insurance: MileMeter offers pay-by-the-mile auto insurance.

Happy Thanksgiving

I want to wish all of you a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I am very appreciative of the many people who read and contribute to this blog. Our readership has grown significantly in the past year, and that could not have happened without your help.

Have a wonderful holiday! My blogging activity will resume on Monday.


Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring