Category: Interesting Links

Long Finger Linked to Cancer Risk, and Other Links

This is what I call “junk research.” Long finger linked to cancer risk, study finds.

A new way to diet.  On average, [marathon] runners lost 3.7 pounds during the race, though nearly one out of 10 runners gained weight through excess drinking.

A less radical way to keep trim. Highly active men gained 5.7 fewer pounds.  Highly active women gained 13.4 fewer pounds.

More than 25% of kids and teens in the U.S. take prescriptions on a regular basis. 45 million asthma medication prescriptions or refills a year.

“Nurse of the Year” to Spend 9 Months in Prison, and Other News

“Nurse of the Year” convicted for practicing without a license. Will spend nine months in prison. 

“Rock Doc,” with hair spiked, punk style hair, wearing chains, bangles and leather bracelets, earns $1.2 million a year from Medicare. Says his physical therapy regimen “does wonders” if used correctly.

RAND: Electronic medical records have a limited effect on quality of care. “[Q]uality scores improved no faster at hospitals that had newly adopted a basic electronic health record than in hospitals that did not.”

Retracted Claims About Cuba, and other links

iHologram, and other links

Are states and city governments going to default? Here’s the 60 Minutes alarm story, with all it’s backlash and counterbacklash.

Megan McArdle: I will stop referring to it as ObamaCare when we stop calling them the Bush tax cuts for the rich.

New Year’s Eve prediction from IBM: holographic phone calls by 2015.


Oh, the possibilities.

Lost in Translation? There’s an app for that, and other links.

Everybody Yawns But No One Knows Why, and Other Links

Everyone yawns, but no one knows why. Tons of theories, but our mouths are still agape.

Instead of eating, imagine you are eating. Call it mental dieting — I think, therefore I’m full.

Daycare illness may be good. The kids are healthier once they reach elementary school.

Dog bites are increasing. Arf. Arf.

There is a type of cockroach that can go without breathing for seven minutes at a time. A moth pupa that can go several hours without breathing.

Doctor Uses Facebook to Save a Life, and Other Links

Doctor uses Facebook to save a patient’s life. Incident related by Newt Gingrich and Kamal Thapar.

There were 260 reports of health IT malfunctions in 2008 and 2009, including 44  injuries and six deaths.

Can a stem cell transplant cure AIDS? For one patient it has, but an expert says “it’s absurdly impractical.”

Study: brain death calls should be quicker: (1) we need your organs before they deteriorate  and (2) the longer we wait the more likely your family is to change its mind about organ donation consent.

Picky Eating Might Be a Psychiatric Disorder, and Other News

Is picky eating a psychiatric disorder? Shrinks say yes.

Study: Rich people not as good at reading other people’s emotions. Maybe they don’t need to.

How much of medical research is flawed? Eighty percent of non-randomized studies; one-quarter of randomized trials and up to 10 percent of large randomized trials use flawed research methods. See previous post here.

One-in-six Americans gets food poisoning every year. Out of 48 million people, about 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 die. New York Times article is also good.

Airline Pilot Poses as Doctor, and Other Links

Top 10 Health Technology Threats to Patient Safety, and Other Links

Top 10 health technology threats to patient safety. Health IT mistakes is No. 5.

Dangerous work. Among all health care workers, nursing staff in long-term care facilities, ICUs, psych units and emergency rooms are most likely to be assaulted.

Even women almost everyone agrees should get a mammogram, don’t. Only 69% of Medicare beneficiaries had a mammogram the current or prior year.

Are college students getting more narcissistic? Yes.