Category: Interesting Links

The Individual Mandate Switch-Off, and Other Links

Sentences to Ponder

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

More Evidence Against EMRs, and Other News

More evidence that EMRs are not improving the quality of care.

Medicare Chief Actuary: Claims that ObamaCare will reduce medical costs are “false, more than true.”

Another disappointing study result: Pay for Performance doesn’t work.

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Over 6,000 Pages of ObamaCare Requirements Added to Federal Register, and Other News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Insurers Respond to HHS on Pre-existing Conditions, and Other News

Bad News for ObamaCare, and Other News

Bad news for ObamaCare. Pay-for-performance is Massachusetts isn’t working.

More bad news: making preventive care free leads to more utilization. State mandates increased  mammograms by 800,000 over 14 years.

What health care rationing will really be like. Very funny video.

Prime Minister: National Health Service is “second rate.” Apparent gaffe.

Very funny explanation of medical loss ratios. (video)

Two more videos on ObamaCare and concierge medicine: Here and here. (HT to Ralph Webber)

Health Reform Bill Destroys Jobs, and Other Links

Does the health reform bill destroy jobs? 200 economists say yes.

How does the Congressional Budget Office magically convert $1 trillion in new spending into painless deficit reduction? “It’s all about budget gimmicks, deceptive accounting, and implausible assumptions used to create the false impression of fiscal discipline.”

“If the FDA deems saccharin safe enough for coffee, then the EPA should not treat it as hazardous waste.” That’s Barack Obama writing in the Wall Street Journal today.

Fact or PR? On the eve of the debate over repeal of health reform, an HHS report says as many as 129 million people have pre-existing conditions.