Category: Interesting Links

How Fleas Manage Their Spectacular Jumps, and Other Links

White House Calls for Social Security Talks, and Other News

Does Malaria Cause Low IQ?, and Other News

Does malaria cause low IQ? Bill Gates says yes. HT to Alex Tabarrok and Tyler Cowen, who reviewed the literature.

If you need insurance to drive a car, shouldn’t you have insurance to cover your dog? A Texas legislator is proposing just that.

The news story: removal of lymph nodes for certain women with breast cancer is ineffective and harmful. The ethics story: some doctors have known the study results for months and felt no need to spread the word quickly to other hospitals and patients. (HT to Paul Levy at THCB)

Doctors complaints about patients: They don’t do what they are told (37%) and they don’t respect doctors as much as they used to (70%).

Only 51 Senate Votes Needed to Repeal ObamaCare, and Other News

How the Flu Spreads Among Kids, and Other Links

How flu spreads among kids. Neat chart.

Winners have more testosterone than losers. At least in wrestling.

Least surprising study result of the new year: Kids with low self-control were more likely to later be dependent on drugs or alcohol, to have lower incomes, to be single parents and to have been convicted of a crime.

Back pain is the 9th most expensive hospital cost. 3.4 million emergency department visits – an average of 9,400 a day.

Patients want a diagnosis and a cure they can’t get from any other doctor. But 80% of the time the NIH can’t help them either.

House to Vote to Block Funds for ObamaCare, and Other News

Snow Shovel Shape May Affect Your Risk of Heart Attack, and Other News

Sentences to Ponder

Super Bowl May Be Hazardous to Your Health, and Other News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen